
public extension Array
public extension Array where Element: Consolidatable

Closure Type Aliases

  • Closure used to consolidate two Element values.



    typealias Consolidate = (_ first: Element, _ second: Element) -> Element
  • Closure used to decide whether two Element values should be consolidated.



    typealias ShouldConsolidate = (Element, Element) -> Bool


  • Consolidates (reduces) an array of Elements by a KeyPath using a given closure.


    let allTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 3.00),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 1.75),
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 2.30)
    let consolidatedTaxes = allTaxes.consolidated(by: \.name) {
        TaxAmount(tax: $, amount: $0.amount + $1.amount)
    // Would result in:
     let consolidatedTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 5.30),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 4.10)

    Since the TaxAmount type is consolidated by name, the two entries for “Sales Tax” have been consolidated into a single TaxAmount where their amount values have been added.



    func consolidated<GroupType>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, GroupType>, using consolidating: Consolidate) -> Array<Element> where GroupType : Hashable



    The key path to the property to use as a consolidation group.


    The closure used to consolidate two Element values into a single Element value.

    Return Value

    A new array of elements that have been consolidated by a KeyPath using the given consolidating closure.

  • Consolidates (reduces) an array of Elements, by a KeyPath using a given closure, into a single element.


    let allTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 3.00),
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 2.30)
    // The next line would result in TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 5.30)
    let consolidatedTaxes = allTaxes.consolidated(by: \.name) {
        TaxAmount(tax: $, amount: $0.amount + $1.amount)

    Since the TaxAmount type is consolidated by name, the two entries for “Import Tax” have been consolidated into a single TaxAmount where their amount values have been added.

    let allTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 3.00),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 1.75),
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 2.30)
    // The next line would throw
    let consolidatedTaxes = allTaxes.consolidated(by: \.name) {
        TaxAmount(tax: $, amount: $0.amount + $1.amount)

    Since the TaxAmount entries would consolidate to two elements (Import Tax and Sales Tax) the example above would throw the error ConsolidationError.couldNotBeConolidatedIntoSingleElement.


    ConsolidationError.couldNotBeConolidatedIntoSingleElement error if the array does not consolidate into a single element.



    func consolidatedIntoSingle<GroupType>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, GroupType>, using consolidating: Consolidate) throws -> Element where GroupType : Hashable



    The key path to the property to use as a consolidation group.


    The closure used to consolidate two Element values into a single Element value.

    Return Value

    A single element representing the consolidation by a KeyPath using the given consolidating closure.

  • Consolidates (reduces) an array of Elements grouped by the result of a closure combined using another closure.


    let allTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 3.00),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 1.75),
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 2.30)
    let consolidatedTaxes = allTaxes.consolidated(by: { $ == $ }) {
        TaxAmount(tax: $, amount: $0.amount + $1.amount)
    // Would result in:
     let consolidatedTaxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 5.30),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 4.10)

    Since the TaxAmount type is consolidated by name, the two entries for “Sales Tax” have been consolidated into a single TaxAmount where their amount values have been added.



    func consolidated(by comparison: ShouldConsolidate, using consolidating: Consolidate) -> Array<Element>



    The closure used to decide whether two Element values should be consolidated.


    The closure used to consolidate two Element values into a single Element value.

    Return Value

    A new array of elements that have been grouped by the result of a closure combined using another closure.


Where Element type implements Consolidatable

  • Consolidates (reduces) an array of Elements that implement the Consolidatable protocol.


    struct TaxAmount: Consolidatable {
        let name: String
        let amount: Decimal
        var consolidationGroup: AnyHashable {
            return name
        func consolidate(with other: Self) -> Self {
            return .init(name: name, amount: amount + other.amount)

    The above implementation would consolidate like this:

    let taxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 3.00),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 1.75),
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 2.30)
    // Results in:
    let taxes = [
        TaxAmount(name: "Import Tax", amount: 5.30),
        TaxAmount(name: "Sales Tax", amount: 4.10)

    Since the TaxAmount type is consolidated by name, the two entries for “Sales Tax” have been consolidated into a single TaxAmount where their amount values have been added.



    func consolidated() -> Array<Element>

    Return Value

    A new array of elements that have been consolidated by group (consolidationGroup) using the implementation of consolidate(with:)